Radiological Characterization
Moab, Utah
A subsurface soil investigation was conducted in support of the baseline radiological soil characterization at the Moab Mill Site located near Moab, Utah. The purpose of the characterization was to provide the data needed to assess radiological levels as well as the lateral and vertical extent of contaminated soil in areas where subsurface contamination was expected on the basis of site history and operational practices. The scope of work was designed to provide the information needed to assess the risk associated with soil excavation and to estimate the volume of contaminated soil that will be removed during reclamation.
The activities performed to complete the characterization included (1) excavating test pits in areas of suspected deep contamination, (2) collecting soil samples on one foot intervals within each test pit, (3) scanning each sample with a NaI gamma detector to assess estimated radium-226 (Ra-226) activity, and (4) submitting selected samples to an analytical laboratory for analysis of Ra-226, and in some cases, natural uranium (Unat) and thorium-230 (Th-230). Each test pit was extended from the ground surface to the depth where NaI detector readings indicated that Ra-226 activities were below the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act (UMTRCA) 5/15 Pico Curies per gram standards. All work was conducted in accordance with the procedures and protocols specified in a work plan and site-specific safety and health plan prepared for the characterization.
Moab, Utah
A subsurface soil investigation was conducted in support of the baseline radiological soil characterization at the Moab Mill Site located near Moab, Utah. The purpose of the characterization was to provide the data needed to assess radiological levels as well as the lateral and vertical extent of contaminated soil in areas where subsurface contamination was expected on the basis of site history and operational practices. The scope of work was designed to provide the information needed to assess the risk associated with soil excavation and to estimate the volume of contaminated soil that will be removed during reclamation.
The activities performed to complete the characterization included (1) excavating test pits in areas of suspected deep contamination, (2) collecting soil samples on one foot intervals within each test pit, (3) scanning each sample with a NaI gamma detector to assess estimated radium-226 (Ra-226) activity, and (4) submitting selected samples to an analytical laboratory for analysis of Ra-226, and in some cases, natural uranium (Unat) and thorium-230 (Th-230). Each test pit was extended from the ground surface to the depth where NaI detector readings indicated that Ra-226 activities were below the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act (UMTRCA) 5/15 Pico Curies per gram standards. All work was conducted in accordance with the procedures and protocols specified in a work plan and site-specific safety and health plan prepared for the characterization.