Wetland Delineation
Mesa County, Colorado
Western Water & Land, Inc. conducted wetland delineations of all ditches and other potentially disturbed surface areas that may be impacted by construction of municipal diversion project. Wetland delineations were conducted along the potentially affected features in accordance with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers requirements. Western Water & Land performed comprehensive vegetation surveys along the affected areas which were followed by excavation of test pits to support delineation of the wetland boundary with soil and hydrology information. The wetland boundaries was established in accordance with the three wetlands criteria parameters of hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and hydrology indicators.
Mesa County, Colorado
Western Water & Land, Inc. conducted wetland delineations of all ditches and other potentially disturbed surface areas that may be impacted by construction of municipal diversion project. Wetland delineations were conducted along the potentially affected features in accordance with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers requirements. Western Water & Land performed comprehensive vegetation surveys along the affected areas which were followed by excavation of test pits to support delineation of the wetland boundary with soil and hydrology information. The wetland boundaries was established in accordance with the three wetlands criteria parameters of hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and hydrology indicators.