Site Investigation and Cleanup
Private Ranch Lands, Steamboat, Colorado
Western Water & Land was retained to investigate an unapproved trash dump and identify potential soil contamination on private ranch land prior to the sale of the property. The preliminary investigation included characterization of the visible waste present at the dump as hazardous or non-hazardous; the development of a waste removal strategy; and soil sampling and analysis to compare presence of heavy metals to EPA Regional Screening Levels and BLM Risk Management Criteria. After the waste was characterized, waste removal and disposal was coordinated with the local municipal solid waste landfill. It was determined that the most likely source of contamination would be lead leached from discarded lead-acid batteries; as soil was uncovered during the waste removal event, a hand-held X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer was used to pinpoint locations where soil was heavily contaminated with lead or other metals. Soil was collected in those locations for further TCLP analysis to determine land disposal restriction criteria, or to identify remediation options.
In addition to waste dump characterization and cleanup, water quality samples were collected at an onsite residence that is supplied domestic water from a nearby developed spring. The samples were analyzed for the wet chemistry parameters, bacteriological constituents, and metals commonly evaluated for potable water sources. Analytical results were compared to risk-based benchmarks established by EPA. Samples were also collected in the residential units to assess the presence of lead-based paint and asbestos.
Private Ranch Lands, Steamboat, Colorado
Western Water & Land was retained to investigate an unapproved trash dump and identify potential soil contamination on private ranch land prior to the sale of the property. The preliminary investigation included characterization of the visible waste present at the dump as hazardous or non-hazardous; the development of a waste removal strategy; and soil sampling and analysis to compare presence of heavy metals to EPA Regional Screening Levels and BLM Risk Management Criteria. After the waste was characterized, waste removal and disposal was coordinated with the local municipal solid waste landfill. It was determined that the most likely source of contamination would be lead leached from discarded lead-acid batteries; as soil was uncovered during the waste removal event, a hand-held X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer was used to pinpoint locations where soil was heavily contaminated with lead or other metals. Soil was collected in those locations for further TCLP analysis to determine land disposal restriction criteria, or to identify remediation options.
In addition to waste dump characterization and cleanup, water quality samples were collected at an onsite residence that is supplied domestic water from a nearby developed spring. The samples were analyzed for the wet chemistry parameters, bacteriological constituents, and metals commonly evaluated for potable water sources. Analytical results were compared to risk-based benchmarks established by EPA. Samples were also collected in the residential units to assess the presence of lead-based paint and asbestos.