Stormwater Management Planning and Permitting
Moab, Utah
A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) was prepared to support remediation/construction operations at the Moab Mill Site in Moab, Utah. The plan was prepared in accordance with the provisions specified in the State of Utah’s Stormwater General Permit for Construction Activities (Permit No. UTR100000). The SWPPP covered construction activities to be implemented at the Moab Mill and Tailings Disposal Area in accordance with the Technical Specifications contained in the Final Reclamation Plan approved by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for the site.
The SWPPP addressed each of the required elements specified in the Part III of the General Permit (No. UTR100000 ). Additional details regarding minimization of emissions of fugitive dust, spill prevention and control, erosion control, interception/storage of sediment-/contaminant-laden runoff, avoidance of operations during periods of high thunderstorm potential, and mitigative measures associated with potential borrow areas was provided in a companion document, Site Management Plan, which was also prepared for the site.
Moab, Utah
A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) was prepared to support remediation/construction operations at the Moab Mill Site in Moab, Utah. The plan was prepared in accordance with the provisions specified in the State of Utah’s Stormwater General Permit for Construction Activities (Permit No. UTR100000). The SWPPP covered construction activities to be implemented at the Moab Mill and Tailings Disposal Area in accordance with the Technical Specifications contained in the Final Reclamation Plan approved by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for the site.
The SWPPP addressed each of the required elements specified in the Part III of the General Permit (No. UTR100000 ). Additional details regarding minimization of emissions of fugitive dust, spill prevention and control, erosion control, interception/storage of sediment-/contaminant-laden runoff, avoidance of operations during periods of high thunderstorm potential, and mitigative measures associated with potential borrow areas was provided in a companion document, Site Management Plan, which was also prepared for the site.