Water Rights & Plan for Augmentation
Luxury Guest Ranch, Crawford, Colorado
Western Water & Land provided the technical services required to complete an application for storage rights, surface water rights, appropriative right of exchange, and a request for approval of a plan for augmentation for a luxury guest ranch in Crawford, Colorado. Our services included onsite reconnaissance to map and inspect surface water and storage structures at the ranch, including the spring supplying potable water to the facility, irrigation diversions, and seven ponds used for fishing and other recreational purposes. Western Water & Land performed the analyses required to assess water demands and consumptive use depletions attributed to use of water for domestic purposes and stock watering as well as evaporation from the onsite ponds. The resulting plan for augmentation relies on water stored in priority in an onsite augmentation pond and water purchased in an upstream reservoir to offset out-of-priority depletions resulting from water usage at the ranch.
Luxury Guest Ranch, Crawford, Colorado
Western Water & Land provided the technical services required to complete an application for storage rights, surface water rights, appropriative right of exchange, and a request for approval of a plan for augmentation for a luxury guest ranch in Crawford, Colorado. Our services included onsite reconnaissance to map and inspect surface water and storage structures at the ranch, including the spring supplying potable water to the facility, irrigation diversions, and seven ponds used for fishing and other recreational purposes. Western Water & Land performed the analyses required to assess water demands and consumptive use depletions attributed to use of water for domestic purposes and stock watering as well as evaporation from the onsite ponds. The resulting plan for augmentation relies on water stored in priority in an onsite augmentation pond and water purchased in an upstream reservoir to offset out-of-priority depletions resulting from water usage at the ranch.